There are now MULTIPLE ways you can participate in giving here at Northside!
Give in Church
One way to give is through a more traditional way by placing your cash or check in the offering boxes that are located near the doors of the main sanctuary. Offering envelopes are provided for you in the pews. If you are interested in a set of giving envelopes with a specific giving number, you can contact the church office.
Additionally, if it’s after hours, there is now a lockbox located outside the main entrance of the church.
Give by Phone
Use your phone to scan this QR code or CLICK HERE to give using your mobile device.
(data rates may apply) . You can give as a guest or contact the Church Office to have an account set up.

Give Online
Simply CLICK HERE to be redirected to our giving site. Giving can be designated as “one time” or “recurring” and can be deducted from your Credit/Debit Card, Checking, or Savings. You can give as a guest or contact the Church Office to have an account setup.
Text 2 Give
Here is another great way to give an offering or make a special donations for various needs that arise during the year.
Simply send a text to : 73256
Example: Send ‘NorthsideMayfield $50’
Give by Mail
Checks can be made out to Northside Baptist Church and can be mailed to our Church Office at
Northside Baptist Church
611 W Lochridge St
Mayfield, KY 42066